Lugus is a sound project curated by Stephen Shiell at Cody Dock, encompassing promenade performance, sonic art and experimental visuals.

28.09.2012 - LONG ARM OF THE LIGHT

Sound Beam // Lee Berwick & Rob Olins

The Lighterman // Ansuman Biswas

Bermuda Triangle Test Engineers // Melanie Clifford, Howard Jacques, Nick Wilsdon

squetti // Artur Matamoro Vidal, Maria Papadomanolaki, Yiorgis Sakelariou

The Soliton Project vs. Minaximal vs. Algorithmic Garden Furniture // Stephen Shiell, Al Cree & Dave Corbett

Visuals from Dominique Rivoal Rucksack Cinema aka. Jaime Rory Lucy

Video by Stuart York
Photos by Ruth Keating

29.06.2012 - THE VOICE

Long Shore Drift // RIchard Wilson, Stephen Shiell, Artur Vidal, Aldo Ziranek Wilson

Breathing Space // Louise Barnell, Melaina Barnes, Stephen Shiell, Hannah White & Phoebe Wright- Spinks, with sound support form Jules Shapter

Innana: trickster, lover and warrior // Lee Berwick and Mikael Obery